How to Use Email Marketing for Blogs to Convert More Readers More Often

How to Use Email Marketing for Blogs to Convert More Readers More Often

Email Marketing for Blogs


Email marketing isn’t dead, and it’s not going to be irrelevant in the near future. Today, it’s still a powerful channel to promote your content, generate income, and build your brand. 

If you have no experience in email marketing, you may think that it’s a tedious or expensive way to promote your blog. However, this isn’t the case. When done right, email marketing is actually cost-effective and worthwhile. 

You may have attempted to get into email marketing in the past. After all, how hard can it be? You send dozens of emails per day.

But email marketing is an iceberg. Things get complicated and overwhelming once you get below the surface into list-building tactics, drip nurtures, automation, and A/B testing.

Allow us to be your sherpa on this long, winding journey. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about email marketing for bloggers, including:

  • Why it’s so useful
  • How to create a sustainable strategy for email marketing
  • How to choose the right email provider
  • How to increase your click-throughs and thus, your profitability                                

Why is Email Marketing Useful for Bloggers?

There are dozens of ways to monetize a blog. You can leverage affiliate marketing, display ads, or even sell your own products.

You can do lead generation for other companies, or dovetail your expertise into a consulting business or speaking engagements.

But all of these things require building an audience. And not just any audience, but a “sticky” audience — one that keeps returning to your content time and time again.

By and large, the best way to do this is through email marketing, specifically building your email list.

Here are a few concrete benefits of email marketing:

  • Personalization. Most email marketing tools allow you to personalize the messages you send to your list in creative ways. You can also parse your list across certain tags, such as demographic, buying stage, or even which piece of content prompted them to sign up. Email is, by nature, a more personal form of communication, so personalization is more acceptable and helpful in this marketing channel.
  • Measurability. If a marketing channel can’t be measured, it can’t be optimized. You also won’t be able to determine your ROI, which is absolutely essential. Most email marketing tools will easily let you keep track of an email’s performance. This includes metrics like click-through rate, open rate, and bounce rate. Each can be analyzed, and sometimes even A/B tested for optimal results.
  • Scalability. It doesn’t matter if you have a small or big email list because email marketing tools can still deliver a consistent experience to the people you’re trying to reach. Remember, you can segment your list as much as you want. This means you can still maintain a relevant and personal touch, even when dealing with tens of thousands of contacts.
  • Automation. You don’t always have to manually send marketing emails like you do personal emails. In fact, email marketing really shines when you can automate it. Automation is a deep rabbit hole with limitless potential. You can keep things simple and just schedule emails for the future, or go nuclear and have robust drip nurtures with multiple branching paths determined by triggers and customer behavior. 

Push vs. Pull Marketing

Digital marketing can broadly be broken into two categories: push marketing and pull marketing. Another way to put it is inbound marketing vs. outbound marketing.

Inbound marketing involves creating content and collateral that users are already searching for, “pulling” them toward your digital properties and then somehow capturing their information for use in future marketing efforts.

Outbound marketing involves reaching out to them via more aggressive tactics like cold calling or cold emailing and social or PPC ads. 

Email marketing is mainly seen as a form of pull marketing for one critical reason — you must get permission from the user before emailing them.

Thus, the user is effectively permitting you to market to them. Although, hard-selling them without adding value would certainly be a mistake. More on that later in the post. 

In contrast, consider one of the most prevalent forms of push marketing: an ad on television. Commercials aren’t shown to you because of your digital footprints or the shows you’re watching on TV. 

Businesses “push” these commercials to you even if you’re either interested or not in their products and services.

Some folks believe email marketing lives somewhere in the grey area between push and pull marketing. However, if you do it correctly, your emails should feel like valuable additions to your users’ daily lives, not inbox fluff destined for the spam folder.

Regardless of where you land on the philosophy of email marketing, you can’t deny its benefits. Let’s go over a few of them in detail.

Increase in General Traffic

If users give their email addresses for newsletters or a lead magnet (more on what that is later), this means that they are also allowing you to reach out to them about other topics that may interest them. 

Increase in Regular Blog Readership

If readers also opted to be a part of your email list in any way, this means that they also want to be there when you have something new to offer. 

You get to be sure that email marketing will inform everyone interested.

Increase in Blog Income

The more visitors you get on your blog, the more you can monetize. 

You can do this in different ways. But if you have already established a strong connection with your readers, the more influence you have when it comes to letting them know what they should buy. 

This includes products or services you may want to sell in the future or promote as an affiliate. 

Aside from these, as a blogger, you shouldn’t really want to put all your eggs in one basket. 

We’re talking about how bloggers tend to focus so much on social media platforms these days like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram when marketing their content. 

Don’t get us wrong. These social media platforms could definitely help you get your content out there. 

However, third-party platforms would usually charge you money to get a wider reach. There are also algorithm changes that could impact how many people actually see your content.

If you build a strong email list, changes on social media platforms can’t touch you. And even if your email service provider goes out of business or suddenly hikes up your prices, no big deal. Just export your list and move on to another platform.

Those are contacts that you’ve earned through brand trust and great content, not ones that are propped up by a third-party platform. 

An Effective Email Marketing Strategy for Your Blog

Email marketing is not just about building a list and sending messages. To be successful, you will need to strategize. 

Use the following steps as a rubric to get your email marketing strategy off the ground today.

1. Build your Strategy on Paper First

Identify Your Audience

This is marketing 101, but if you haven’t done this yet, there’s no better time than the present. If you have an established site, you’ll likely already know the kind of person who browses it.

If not, reach out to your personal or professional network and try to pin down your ideal reader. This includes all demographic, psychographic, and firmographic details. This is the “person” you’ll be creating all your content for going forward.

Create a lead magnet

Nobody is going to exchange their email address for junk. They want something valuable. And who could blame them? You probably know firsthand how unruly an inbox can get, especially with spammy offers and junk email.

That’s why you need a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something of value that you give your readers in exchange for their email address. Oftentimes, this is a digital asset like an eBook, checklist, guide, or training series.

As digital marketing gets more advanced, users are getting more protective over their email addresses. As a general rule, if you think that your asset is too good to be given away for free — well, then it’s probably the perfect lead magnet.

If it feels like filler content, people simply won’t bite. You can still ask people to sign up for your list to keep “up-to-date” on all your content, but a powerful, valuable lead magnet will build your list far more quickly.

For some inspiration and examples of great lead magnets, check out this post.

Define Your Email Content

As you excitedly watch your email list grow (thanks to your lead magnet), you’ll want to start considering what kind of content to send to your burgeoning fanbase. 

Much of this depends on your business goals. Do you want to nurture them to buy a product, or do you simply want eyeballs on your blog to get the ad revenue or affiliate sales?

Perhaps you’re an eCommerce store that wants to offer coupons and discounts exclusive to email subscribers. Or, maybe you keep things simple and just email your subscribers whenever you publish a new blog post.

You can even set up nurture paths that “drip” emails out sequentially to users and lead them from the top of the funnel to the bottom of the funnel (and hopefully a purchase).

The scope of work also depends on how much time you have to devote to this channel. If you’re a solopreneur or a small team, you’re going to want to keep things much simpler than a business with a dedicated email marketing employee. 

Determine Your Email Cadence

Determining when and how often you should send out messages can be a trial and error process. 

This is especially the case if you’re new to blogging because it takes time to determine the right cadence or when readers are usually keen to open your emails. 

According to Databox, 33.3% of email marketers send email campaigns weekly. 26.69% send multiple times a month, and 13.33% send multiple times per week, daily, and monthly. 

There is only a bit of difference between B2B and B2C email frequencies. 

DMA Insight found that 37% of marketers from Both B2B and B2C would send emails 2 to 3 times a month. 

Meanwhile, 25% of B2B and 30% of B2C marketers would send emails 4 to 5 times a month.

These are back-of-the-napkin numbers, though. The bottom line is that you must experiment and find what works for your audience and your brand.

Organizations like Bed, Bath & Beyond have been known to send out daily emails. Why? Because they’ve figured out that they get more sales that way.

But a daily email strategy probably wouldn’t translate across other verticals or businesses, and would get annoying very quickly.

I can feel you getting a bit overwhelmed. Let’s take a deep breath and remember: just start small.

 You can start by sending monthly newsletters to establish your brand If you need a benchmark. 

When you’re ready, you can increase the frequency and play around with the type of emails you send.

Monitor how each and every one of your emails perform. If you need the email to perform better, do something different the next time. 

Create a Schedule

Determining your content and email cadence is quite a process, but once both of these are ready, you can create a production schedule. 

Setting a production schedule involves planning and documenting when you’ll be posting new content to your blog and when you’ll be sending out your email campaigns. 

This may be a process you’ve been going through since you started figuring out your email cadence. The only difference is that you’re setting finalized times and dates. 

Pro-tip: If you can, save yourself the stress and get at least a month ahead of your publishing times. 

Email marketing tools are handy for this because they allow you to schedule emails in advance too. 

2. Choose the Right Email Service Provider

A critical part of strategizing for your blog’s email campaigns is choosing the right Email Service Provider (ESP). 

These companies offer bulk mailing services or tools that you can use to send your messages. 

There are ESPs that focus on smaller businesses, and there are also ones that have tools designed for enterprise-level organizations.

Usually, big ESPs don’t just offer email services to their clients. They often offer CRM functionality, lead scoring, SMS marketing, and integrations with various platforms, and more. 

(And the price tag certainly reflects these features.)

For most bloggers, this is overkill. Disregard these behemoths.

Some ESPs offer free tools and services, but usually, you can’t really expect much from them. 

Free email tools typically don’t have the functionality you need to scale, or even if they do, you’ll eventually end up paying once your list is beyond a certain threshold.

If you want to level up your campaigns and make sure that you’re getting all the necessary data you need from the beginning, it’s worth investing in a trusted and paid ESP.  

You don’t have to go elsewhere to figure out which ESPs are worth your time. We’ll be covering which ESPs are the best today in the final section. 

3. Optimize Your Blog to Get More Email Subscribers

Speaking of ESPs, they also typically provide HTML/CSS code snippets that you can use on your site.

This code pulls in an opt-in form from your ESP and automatically captures the information of anyone who fills it out.

Almost all mainstream ESPs offer robust integrations with common blogging platforms like WordPress, SquareSpace, and Wix.

Here are the different ways to utilize these opt-in forms on your website and how they can be good or bad:

  • Website Header – This is displayed on all pages on the site and can be seamlessly featured
  • Website Footer – Also displayed throughout the time a reader spends on your site but can be missed if the reader doesn’t scroll down enough.
  • Specific Landing Page – This is ideal if a subscription to your site has plenty to offer. 
  • Bottom of Your Blog Posts – You can find creative ways to implement this at the bottom of your posts. You can ask readers to comment on the site with their email addresses and, at the same time, give them the option to sign up to your list.
  • Exit Pop-up – This is best to use if you want to ensure that everyone who accesses your blog is asked to subscribe. However, some readers may find this irritating, so you may only want to use this on certain landing pages of your site.

Pro-tip: Google has been cracking down on sites with a bad user experience ever since the release of Core Web Vitals. While there hasn’t been an explicit ban on exit-intent pop-ups, you should be very careful with them, as Google will penalize what they call “intrusive interstitials.” Make sure you thoroughly review Google’s search guidelines before implementing them. 

All these could help you optimize your blog and get more email subscribers, and you can choose to use all of them as you wish. However, use these sparingly to avoid making your site seem spammy. 

4. Optimize Your Email Open Rates

Of all the marketing emails you receive, how many do you actually open? Be honest.

That desire to open the email is often determined by the subject line. It’s the necessary first step in email marketing success. 

Specifically, the three things you’ll want to focus on to optimize your open rates are your subject line, sender’s name or email, and pre-header text.

Here are some great tips that you can follow to help increase your email open rates:

  • Subject Line. Trigger curiosity and do not use spammy words like “special offer,” “limited offer,” free (item), etc. You don’t have to be too formal and you can even consider using emojis. However, avoid all caps when unnecessary.
  • Sender’s name/email. Personalize your messages by calling recipients by their names. For this part, personalization is key.
  • Pre-header Text. Keep it concise, but make sure that it also grabs your reader’s attention. Usually, a pre-header text only takes 100 words, so be sure this is something that would entice your readers.

Note: if you’ve built enough trust with your audience, sometimes you can get away with less-than-stellar headlines.

Personally, I subscribe to Noah Kagan, a creative business owner and serial entrepreneur. He releases a weekly newsletter for creative entrepreneurs with interesting, inspiring, and helpful things he finds all across the internet.

No matter his subject line, I’m always going to read his email. Why? Because he’s built that trust with me as an authority.

When you build that level of trust with your audience and optimize your subject lines, you’ll be unstoppable. 

5. Boost Your Email Clickthrough Rates

And so, people are finally opening your emails. Now what? Does that mean that your campaign is a success? Not until they take action.

This “action” is measured in click-through rates, or CTR. This is how often people click the links you included in the email. 

Optimizing click-through rates is a lot tougher than open rates because so many variables  determine whether or not a reader clicks. Such as:

  • Email design. As soon as a reader opens your email, they must find what’s inside appealing. Don’t just send words and fun images. Always find a way to grab your reader’s attention and bring their eyes further down the page. Also, in 2023 this should be a given, but make sure that what you send is mobile-friendly. Don’t make your mobile readers open emails that look empty because it’s not loading up properly on their device.
  • Content. Long, “wall-of-text” emails are daunting to read, and if readers are bombarded by so many words when they open that email, they’ll likely immediately close it or even delete it. Organize your email content and work on readability. Use web copy best practices — only one or two sentences per line, and break up your content with engaging interstitial elements like images whenever possible. 
  • Call-to-action. There’s been a lot of internet ink spilled on how to write a great call-to-action. This is the final step, the culmination of all your hard work. We could write a whole article about this, but check out this post for some stellar CTA examples.

6. Monetize Your Email List

It’s possible to monetize your email list without selling a single thing. Consider the immensely popular business newsletter Morning Brew. 

The founders of Morning Brew grew their business to a $75 million company strictly by sending a single email newsletter with daily business news and current events.

One skim of the newsletter and it’s easy to see why it’s so successful. It’s digestible, well-written, informative, and often funny.

Morning Brew was so engaging and polished that it quickly gained 2 million subscribers, and the company now makes almost all of its revenue from sponsorships.

Granted, it takes a lot of time, work, and patience to get to that level. But once you’ve got yourself a solid list, here are a few ways you can monetize it:

    • Offering paid products and services. You can sell items, products, or services that your readers are interested in. For instance, if you are a blogger with expertise in marketing, photography, and filmmaking, you can create a paid course or invite them to sign up for a paid seminar you’ll facilitate.
  • Adding affiliate links. Affiliate links can generate offsite revenues, and even if this is the case, you can still utilize your email list. Just make sure that the links you include in your email are not out of nowhere. It has to be relevant so that your readers would actually consider buying products you don’t exactly sell. Note that some affiliates have terms that may not allow you to use links on emails.
  • Hosting Sponsorships. Sponsorships are partnerships with other brands willing to pay you to write about their products and services and share them with the people in your email list. Typically, email sponsorships require a certain number of subscribers. 


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What Types of Emails Should You Send?

What sort of emails should you include in your marketing strategy? Will you go the newsletter route like Morning Brew or keep things simple to bring people back to your site?

Here are some examples of commonly used email types in email marketing:

1. Trigger Emails

Trigger emails are also called behavioral or transactional emails. 

They are customized messages that activate based on specific actions of a customer or your reader. 

An example is how LinkedIn would send you an email if your profile gets a certain number of views or if your contacts have been searching for your account.

These trigger emails remind you to check your account if you haven’t done so in a couple of days. 

Another example of a trigger email is an abandoned cart email — one that’s very popular in the eCommerce space.

You can set up your ESP to send out an email whenever a customer abandons their cart and doesn’t finish the checkout process, thus encouraging them to follow through with the purchase. 

2. Welcome Email

A welcome email is a type of trigger email. It’s automatically sent out whenever someone joins your list.

Think of the onboarding message you get whenever you create an account on certain websites. 

Usually, a welcome email would contain more information about your blog and where your readers can follow you on other platforms, as well as your most popular content. 

3. Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are messages you send to potential customers if you’re promoting products and services. 

You can also promote certain events that are connected to your blog. Say you’re going to start a new podcast, and you want to promote it to the people on your list who might be interested.

This could also be a simple sales email promoting a new product or service.

4. Newsletters

Newsletters are sent to help drive traffic to your blog. 

This could contain links to your newest content or if you also have something new on the site that you’d like to share with your readers. 

It could also be about the latest developments in projects you’re creating. 

As long as the intent is to update your readers on what’s new or the latest happenings, then you’re sending newsletters.  

5. Retargeting Emails

When you use an email marketing tool, you could also monitor your reader’s behavior and actions as they navigate through your site (and sometimes on the web as a whole).

For example, suppose your reader lands on your post about blogging, but didn’t enroll in your paid blogging course mentioned in your article. In that case, the tool will automatically send an email to promote your offer further.

How to Make the Most Out of Email Marketing for Your Blog

Alright, we’ve gone through why email marketing is important, the different types of emails, and the value of a lead magnet in building your list.

Let’s talk about how to hack the email marketing process and bypass some of the most common mistakes. 

Spend Just as Much Time Polishing Your Emails as Your Content

Even if you have thousands or more on your email list, this won’t matter if you don’t keep your email content polished.

Remember, email marketing isn’t like sending an email to a friend from your personal Gmail account. It needs to be just as engaging as today’s best web content. 

Make sure that your message is concise and be mindful of readability. Break up your paragraphs, utilize bullets, and spend time A/B testing headlines that engage your readers.

Create Attention-Grabbing and Catchy Subject Lines

Leaving the first impression is important, which is why the first few lines of your email can make or break the quality of your message. 

That said, there’s a fine line between clickbait-y and engaging subject lines. The best way to figure this out is to pay attention to the emails you yourself open daily. 

As marketers and business owners, we see right through typical marketing tactics. Therefore, if an email subject line causes us to open the email (or even pause for just a moment), take note of it. 

If it works on cynical marketers, it’s that much more likely to work on your audience.

A/B Test Your Emails

A/B testing emails is the process of sending variations of your message to different sets of subscribers. 

For your blog, it’s alright to stick to just sending two variations of emails to two different sets of subscribers. 

The variation between the two emails you send can be about the content itself, the subject lines, the design of your email, the color, or the CTA buttons you used. 

This is a great strategy to use to improve your analytics. Check which email performs better and what you did differently to perform better. 

Aside from the emails, you can also look at the difference between the two sets of audiences that you have. This could involve age, demographics, and so on.

Most Recommended Email Marketing Software for Bloggers

Now that you understand how email marketing can benefit your professional blogging journey, it’s time to consider which software or tool is the best out there. 

Here are some of the highest-rated email marketing tools you can use as a blogger today.

1. Moosend – Best for Bloggers

Email marketing sounds like a complex way to promote your blog, but with Moosend, the job gets easier. 

It’s a drag-and-drop email builder that doesn’t require any expertise to use. 

Aside from how easy it is to use, it could also give you powerful analytics or data that could help you boost your email campaigns. 

Here are some of the highlighted features Moosend offers:

  • Pre-made Templates
  • Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder
  • Advanced personalization and Segmentation Options
  • A/B Testing Tools
  • Marketing Automation Tools
  • Data Analytics

Moosend allows you to take advantage of a 30-day free trial with no credit card required. 

2. ActiveCampaign – Best in Automation

Whether you’re new to email marketing or not, ActiveCampaign is a great automation tool that lets you leverage marketing campaigns, sales follow-ups, and more. 

Here are some of the noteworthy features ActiveCampaign offers:

  • Automated Campaigns and Sales Follow Up
  • Chat Feature with CRM
  • Landing Page Builder

There are four paid plans that you can avail yourself of from ActiveCampaign as a blogger, with each tier adding more features.

3. SendinBlue – Best Free Tools

If you’re new to email marketing and only want to give it a try to see how it could help your blog, SendinBlue is a great software to use. 

It offers a forever-free plan which could help you go through the basics of email marketing. 

Once you use this software, you’ll get to familiarize yourself with the numerous tools you can use for email marketing. 

This free plan allows you to send up to 300 emails a day to unlimited contacts.

Here are some of the highlighted features that SendinBlue offers:

  • SMS Marketing
  • Chat
  • CRM
  • Marketing Automation and Segmentation
  • Send Time Optimization
  • Facebook Ads
  • Email Heat Map
  • Real-Time Statistics

If you need more than what the free plan could give, below are the plans you can get from SendinBlue (Price range is given because the amount will depend on how many emails you need to be sent weekly):

  • Lite ($25 to $65/month) – No daily sending limit, access to email support, remove SendinBlue logo, and advanced statistics
  • Premium ($65 to $599/month) –  Lite features plus marketing automation, Facebook ads, landing pages, multi-user access, and phone support
  • Enterprise – Premium features plus more. Price will depend on the additional tools and services you’d like to add.

4. Mailerlite – Best Newsletter Tool 

Another free yet useful email marketing tool you can use is Mailerlite. 

This tool is easy to use, and even if you don’t avail a plan, you can still access some valuable features that you can use to send newsletters and simple email campaigns.

Here are some of the main features offered by Mailerlite:

  • Drag and Drop Editor
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Custom HTML Editor
  • Newsletter Templates
  • eCommerce Campaigns


You can only either get a free or premium plan from Mailerlite. 

The Free plan allows you to send 12,000 emails a month to a maximum of 1000 subscribers. 

The price you have to pay for a premium plan, which allows you to send unlimited emails, varies and depends on how many subscribers you have:

  • 0 to 1000 subscribers – $10/month
  • 1001 to 25000 subscribers  – $15
  • 2501 to 5000 subscribers – $30
  • 5001 to 10,000 – $50

The disclosed price on the Mailerlite site is for a premium plan with up to 600,000 subscribers, which is priced at $1915. For any number higher, you’ll need to contact them directly.

5. Mailchimp

You’ve probably already heard of Mailchimp if you’ve been doing some research on email marketing. It is one of the most popularly used free email tools today. 

It’s a great tool to use if you’re also looking into something that will introduce you to email marketing without spending much – or anything at all.

Here are some key features Mailchimp has to offer:

  • Marketing CRM
  • Creative Assistant
  • Website Builder
  • Limited Forms and Landing Pages

Mailchimp has some of the most affordable plans. Here  they are:

  • Essentials ($11/month) – 500 contacts, email and landing templates, customer journey builder, custom branding, A/B Testing, and 24/7 email and chat support
  • Standard ($17/month) – Essentials features plus Customer Journey Builder + Branching Points, Send time optimization, behavioral targeting, custom templates, and dynamic content
  • Premium($299/month) – 10,000 contacts, Standard features plus advanced segmentation, multivariate testing, comparative reporting, unlimited seats, role-based access, and priority and phone support.

6. Hubspot – All-in-One Software

Hubspot is a powerful all-in-one software that has marketing, sales, and service tools you can use. 

It’s the best software to get if your blog is already established and you already have products to sell. 

Here are some of the highlighted features Hubspot offers:

  • Export email information
  • Email automation
  • Customizable email campaigns and workflow
  • Advanced metrics

Hubspot has three plans you can choose from, and the price will depend on the number of paid tool users. Here are the following:

  • Starter ($45/month) – 2 users
  • Professional ($450/month) – 5 users
  • Enterprise ($1200/month) – 10 users

7. ConvertKit – Built for Content Creators

ConvertKit is worth checking out for small content creators, specifically bloggers. 

It allows you to easily upload PDFs and other content upgrades in your emails without much hassle. 

This way, you can easily include videos, worksheets, or book chapters in the emails you send.

With ConvertKit, you get to use the following key features:

  • Landing Pages
  • Commerce
  • Integrations
  • Feature Overview
  • Automation

You can also use ConvertKit for free, but if you’re willing to pay, you can still sign up for a free trial and pay on the following month. 

Here are the following plans you can get for up to 300 subscribers:

  • Free – unlimited landing pages and forms, email broadcasts, sell digital products and subscriptions, and community support
  • Creator ($9/month) – free features plus free migration from another tool and automated funnels and sequences.
  • Creator Pro ($25/month) – Creator features plus Facebook custom audiences, newsletter referral system, subscriber scoring, and advanced reporting

8. AWeber –  Best for HTML Newsletters

AWeber also has amazing features that a good email marketing software should have. 

It’s great to use if you’re still growing your list and are new to email marketing. 

You can also use the tool for free, but even if you’re willing to pay, it’s one of the affordable services you can get.

Some of the key features AWeber offers are the following:

  • Autoresponder
  • Split Testing
  • Landing Page Builder
  • Integrations with third-party apps
  • Design with Canva
  • Email Templates

Here are the two AWeber plans you can choose from:

  • Free – Up to 500 email subscribers, landing pages, web push notifications, email templates, sign up forms, eCommerce
  • Pro (Starting price of $16.15/month) – Free features plus unlimited email lists, advanced email automation, insights and analytics, webpage and sales tracking, split testing, and more. Note that the Pro plan amount will depend on how many subscribers you have.

What to Look For in a Good Email Software

Those are the most competitive software and tools that you can use to jumpstart your email marketing strategy. 

However, if you have any brands in mind and we didn’t mention them, below are some of the important factors you should take a look at when deciding if an email software is worth using:

  • Templates. A convenient email marketing tool should already have different email templates that you can use and customize. These are templates you can use for your welcome emails, trigger emails, newsletters, replies, etc. Using any of these templates can save you so much time on coming up with email content but make sure that you still customize your content as much as possible.
  • Analytics. The truth is that if an email tool doesn’t give you a chance to improve your blog analytics, it’s not worth having. You need to keep track of your email stats so that you know if the services you’re getting from these software providers are worth it. The purpose of email marketing is also for you to easily measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategy in place, and so, data like email opens and click rates matter so much.
  • Mobile-Friendly. There are already over 3.9 billion unique mobile users worldwide and you can bet that many of the people opening emails today are on their mobile devices. Statistics show that around 85% of these mobile users access their email inboxes and 2018 data suggests that mobile accounted for 46% of all email opens in that year. This is why your email content should be mobile-friendly. 
  • Automation. Without automation, email marketing is a tedious and costly strategy. Automation allows you to get more things done as it allows you to tend to your readers without having to do so for each and every one of them. It’s extremely useful if you already have an established following.
  • Drag and Drop Design. Email marketing doesn’t have to be complex. Thankfully, most of the popular software and tools today now have drag and drop designs that allow anybody to effectively create an email marketing plan. With this, you no longer have to spend numerous hours learning how to use the tool you have.

Final Thoughts

Content and email marketing go hand in hand when promoting your blog. 

Your content may have a hard time attracting eyeballs and reaching the right audience without an email marketing strategy in place. Meanwhile, your email campaigns are nothing without your content.

Using both in tandem results in a powerful net effect for your business. For more tips on inventory management, eCommerce business growth, and digital marketing, subscribe to our blog today. 

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